MODRATEC's recommended Web Host
We make the following statement totally voluntarily.
MODRATEC is very committed to providing an effective web presence. We looked long and hard at the hosting options available. Hosting Bay stood out from the crowd in terms of affordability and services offered. We almost passed it by on the basis that it seemed too good to be true - there must be some catch.
But we did select Hosting Bay and have never regretted the decision.
Hosting Bay's staff have been totally cooperative with helping us to set up our site. In our opinion, they have gone well beyond any contractual obligation to provide solutions to all issues that have arisen through the development of this site.
MODRATEC happily recommends Hosting Bay who provide the following links.
Click Here to Put Your Business on the Internet in Less than 5 minutes!
Click Here for the Best Hosting Deal in Australia
eCommerce Made Easy!
For affordable and effective Web Hosting, MODRATEC uses and recommends Hosting Bay