On this page:
The Current Tile
Menu Bar
Contextual Menus
Other Actions
Mac users, please note:
- All screen shots are taken from SigScribe4 running under Windows.
- Where significant differences in usage apply a coloured note will be seen.
- For a single button mouse use control-click as equivalent to right-click.
- Use apple- instead of control- for menu shortcuts.
Windows users, please note:
- Screen shots are generally taken running Java version 1.4.2 although the Simple Tutorial shows Java version 1.5.0 being used.
Linux users, please note:
- All screen shots are taken from SigScribe4 running under Windows.
- Where significant differences in usage apply a coloured note will be seen.
- SigScribe4 has been tested using Ubuntu.
- Depending on your default mouse configuration, where alt-left-drag is specified, you may need either to add an additional modifier (e.g. ctrl-alt-left-drag), or if you have a three-button mouse, you may find that middle-drag (with no modifier) works.
![[Screen Shot]](helpPix/started.png)
The SigScribe4 screen is composed of three panels:
- The Signal Diagram filling the upper part of the screen.
- The Lever Frame at the lower left.
- The Detail Panel at the lower right.
In the Signal Diagram panel, the track layout and the locations of signals is drawn on a numbered grid style mimic board.
The Lever Frame panel shows the levers and indicates their connections to signals and points. Levers are always in multiples of six for compatibility with the MODRATEC Lever Frame system.
The Detail Panel displays either the arrangement of individual signal arms and colour light heads, route indicator information, or the detail of facing point locks (FPLs).
In addition to these panels there is a menu bar at the top of the screen and a "cancel bar" at the bottom of screen. (The cancel bar is an elongated button which is clicked to cancel certain modes.)
SigScribe4 runs in a number of distinct modes:
When started, SigScribe4 is in the Signal Diagram Edit mode and the Lever Frame Edit mode. These modes can be selected from the Panel menu. A white background for either panel indicates its edit mode.
Protect Mode means that both the Signal Diagram and the Lever Frame are protected (i.e. un-editable). Panels are protected from the Panel menu. The background colour for a protected panel is light grey.
Connect Mode is used to join individual levers to the item/items in the Signal Diagram which they control. Protect Mode is a prerequisite of Connect Mode. Connect Mode exists once the "Connect" (or "Disconnect") option has been selected from the Contextual menu activated from any lever.
Route Definition Mode is used to define the routes which correspond to each signal lever. Protect Mode is a prerequisite of Route Definition Mode. Route Definition Mode exists once the "Define Route" option has been selected from the Contextual menu activated from any lever.
The Operate Mode exists when Set Interlocking or Interlock from Table... is selected from the Interlocking menu. In this mode all lever interactions simulate the mechanical interlocking design that has been developed from the route definitions entered. A design can be well and truly worked through every conceivable situation to ensure that the design is sound.
The File menu allows designs to be saved and retrieved as needed. When a file is opened, SigScribe4 will be in the Protect Mode.
.. In the facing point lock detail window the current tile is indicated by a light grey rectangle.
.. In the Lever Frame in connect mode the current tile is indicated by a red & yellow double rectangle on a light grey background.
.. In the Lever Frame in edit mode the current tile is indicated by a light grey rectangle on a white background.
.. In the Lever Frame in protect mode the current tile is indicated by a yellow rectangle on a light grey background.
.. In the Lever Frame in route definition mode the current tile is indicated by a yellow rectangle on a light grey background. In addition the tile corresponding to the signal for which the route is being defined in indicated by a red rectangle.
.. In the route indicator detail window the current tile is indicated by a light grey rectangle.
.. In the signal detail window the current tile is indicated by a light grey rectangle. For post mounted signals the background is blue. For ground signals the background is green.
.. In the Signal Diagram in edit mode the current tile is indicated by a multi-coloured square pattern. The general background is white.
.. In the Signal Diagram in protect mode the current tile is indicated by a yellow filled rectangle. The general background is light grey.
Mac users: The menu bar is in the standard location at the top of the screen. Menu short cuts use the Apple key instead of Control.
.. The File menu is available by mouse left click from the menu bar or (Windows and Linux only) by keystroke alt+F. (What does alt+F mean?) The File options are:
- New (short-cut keystroke ctrl+N). (What does ctrl+N mean?)
- Start a new design. You will be prompted to save the currently active design before all data and displays are initialised. The "New Signal Diagram" dialog will allow you to specify a new size for the Signal Diagram. The active modes of the new design will be Edit Signal Diagram and Edit Lever Frame.
- Open (short-cut keystroke ctrl+O).
- Open an existing design. You will be prompted to save the currently active design before all data and displays are updated. The "file action" window will be activated allowing a file name to be selected. After successful opening the active mode will be Operate with interlocking removed.
- Save (short-cut keystroke ctrl+S).
- Save the active design. The currently active design will be saved to the current file. If there is no current file this option will default to "Save as". Active modes are not changed.
- Save as (short-cut keystroke ctrl+shift+S). (What does ctrl+shift+S mean?)
- Save the active design with a new file name. The "file action" window will be activated allowing a file name to be specified. The currently active design can then be saved with the specified file name. Active modes are not changed.
- Print (short-cut keystroke ctrl+P).
- Triggers the Print Options dialog (see below) by which the Signal Diagram and/or Lever Frame and/or Detail Tiles can be printed. The Print Options dialog has its own Help file.
- Quit SigScribe4 (short-cut keystroke ctrl+Q). Mac users: This item is in the SigScribe4 menu.
- Close SigScribe4. You will be prompted to save the currently active design before SigScribe4 shuts down.
![[Print Options Dialog]](helpPix/print.png)
.. The Panels menu is available by mouse left click from the menu bar or (Windows and Linux only) by keystroke alt+P. The Panels options are:
- Edit Signal Diagram (short-cut keystroke ctrl+E).
- Signal Diagram Edit mode is indicated by the background being white. When selected, you will be warned that lever connection data (and consequently route data) may be corrupted.
- Protect Signal Diagram (short-cut keystroke ctrl+T).
- A protected Signal Diagram is indicated by a grey background. While protected, no modifications to the Diagram are possible. Both the Signal Diagram and the Lever Frame must be protected before lever connections can be made or routes defined.
- Edit Lever Frame (short-cut keystroke ctrl+L).
- Lever Frame Edit mode is indicated by the background being white. When selected, you will be warned that lever connection data (and consequently route data) may be corrupted. The Lever Frame dialog allows you to specify the number of levers required. Lever numbers are multiples of six to a maximum of 180.
- Protect Lever Frame (short-cut keystroke ctrl+F).
- A protected Lever Frame is indicated by a grey background. While protected, no modifications to the Lever Frame are possible. Both the Signal Diagram and the Lever Frame must be protected before lever connections can be made or routes defined.
.. The Interlocking menu is available by mouse left click from the menu bar or (Windows and Linux only) by keystroke alt+I. The Interlocking options are:
- Set Interlocking (short-cut keystroke ctrl+I).
- The route data specified is used to develop the locking table as well as the design details for the MODRATEC Lever Frame. You will be prompted if a route error cannot be resolved. Operate mode will become active and is indicated on the cancel bar at the bottom of the screen.
- Interlock from Table... (short-cut keystroke ctrl+shift+I).
- This allows the user to select a file containing a table of interlocking definitions for the frame being designed. (See Creating an Interlocking Table for more detail.)
- Remove Interlocking (short-cut keystroke ctrl+R).
- All locking will be removed leaving all levers free. Interlocking may also be removed by clicking the cancel bar.
- Clear all connections (short-cut keystroke ctrl+shift+C).
- This will remove all lever connections and route definitions for the entire frame being designed. The intended use is when a design has become messy and you want to start again while retaining the existing layout as a skeleton.
- Clear all route definitions (short-cut keystroke ctrl+shift+R).
- This will remove all route definitions for the entire frame being designed. The intended use is when a design has become messy and you want to start again while retaining the existing layout and lever connections as a skeleton.
.. The Help menu is available by mouse left click from the menu bar or (Windows and Linux only) by keystroke alt+H. The Help options are:
- About (short-cut keystroke ctrl+A). Mac users: This item is in the SigScribe4 menu.
- Opens a window showing details about SigScribe4 and MODRATEC including contact information.
- Open Help Document (short-cut keystroke F1 Mac users: apple+?).
- Opens this help document.
- Price Quotation(short-cut keystroke ctrl+U).
- Opens the Pricing Page at the MODRATEC Web Site to give an instant quotation on the cost of the Kit to build the current Lever Frame design. The number of Levers and the number of interlocking Slots for the current design are automatically fed to the Pricing Page. Note, however, that the number of Slots will be fed only if Interlocking is Set at the time. The MODRATEC Web Site provides support for international currencies.
Contextual menus are triggered by mouse right click or by click and hold for approximately 0.5 second.
.. The Signal Diagram Edit Contextual menu is available by mouse right click from any grid tile in the Signal Diagram. The Signal Diagram Edit options are:
- Delete Tile.
- Delete the contents of the current tile.
- Delete Column.
- Delete the entire column in line with the current tile. You will be prompted about reducing or maintaining the total number of columns.
- Delete Row.
- Delete the entire row in line with the current tile. You will be prompted about reducing or maintaining the total number of rows.
- Insert Column.
- Insert a new column to the left of the current tile. You will be prompted about increasing or maintaining the total number of columns.
- Insert Row.
- Insert a new row above the current tile. You will be prompted about increasing or maintaining the total number of rows.
- Toggle FPL.
- Alternately enable or disable FPL (facing point lock) associated with the points at the current tile. If there is more than one FPL possible the detail window will be opened.
- Detail View (short-cut mouse action left double-click).
- Open the detail window for the signal or points at the current tile.
.. The Signal Detail Edit Contextual menu is available by mouse right click from any signal tile in the detail window. The Signal Detail Edit options are:
- Delete Tile.
- Delete the current signal tile.
- Routes View (short-cut mouse action left double-click).
- Open the detail window for the route indicator at the current tile.
.. The Lever Edit Contextual menu is available by mouse right click from any lever in the Lever Frame. The Lever Edit options are:
- Change (short-cut mouse action left shift+click (What does shift+click mean?)).
- Toggles the state of the lever between normal and reversed (pulled).
- Delete Lever.
- Delete the selected lever. You will be prompted about reducing or maintaining the total number of levers if applicable.
- Insert Lever.
- Insert a lever to the left of the selected lever. You will be prompted about increasing or maintaining the total number of levers if applicable.
.. The Signal Diagram Connect Contextual menu is available by mouse right click from any grid tile in the Signal Diagram. Note that this menu can be activated only when connect mode has been selected from the Lever Connect Contextual menu. The Signal Diagram Connect options are:
- Connect (left).
- Connect the current lever to a device at the current Signal Diagram tile. Connection will be made directly if possible, otherwise the detail window will open. In the case of pointwork operated from two levers, the points to the left of the tile will be connected.
- Connect (right).
- Connect the current lever to a device at the current Signal Diagram tile. Connection will be made directly if possible, otherwise the detail window will open. In the case of pointwork operated from two levers, the points to the right of the tile will be connected.
- Disconnect (left).
- Disconnect the current lever from a device at the current Signal Diagram tile. Disconnection will be made directly if possible, otherwise the detail window will open. In the case of pointwork operated from two levers, the points to the left of the tile will be disconnected.
- Disconnect (right).
- Disconnect the current lever from a device at the current Signal Diagram tile. Disconnection will be made directly if possible, otherwise the detail window will open. In the case of pointwork operated from two levers, the points to the right of the tile will be disconnected.
- Detail View. (short-cut mouse action left double-click).
- Open the detail window for the signal or points at the current tile.
.. The Lever Connect Contextual menu is available by mouse right click from any lever in the Lever Frame. Note that this menu can be activated only if both the Signal Diagram and the Lever Frame are protected. The Lever Connect options are:
- Change. (short-cut mouse action left shift+click).
- Toggle the state of the lever between normal and reversed (pulled).
- Connect.
- Enable track elements to be connected to or disconnected from the current lever.
- Disconnect.
- Enable track elements to be connected to or disconnected from the current lever.
- Disconnect All.
- Disconnect all track elements from the current lever.
- Define Route.
- Enable route definition for the current signal lever. (NOTE: This will overwrite any signal interlocking which may have been defined previously.)
- Clear Route.
- Clear route definition for the current signal lever.
- Interlock Points.
- Enable interlocking definition for the current points lever.
- Unlock Points.
- Clear interlocking for the current points lever.
- Interlock Signal.
- Enable interlocking definition for the current signal lever. This allows for both inclusion or exclusion of signals, thus no Unlock option is needed.
.. The Signal Detail Connect Contextual menu is available by mouse right click from any tile in the detail window. Note that this menu can be activated only when connect mode has been selected from the Lever Connect Contextual menu. The Signal Detail Connect options are:
- Connect.
- Connect the current lever to the signal device selected. Connection will be made directly if possible, otherwise the route detail window will open.
- Disconnect.
- Disconnect the current lever from the signal device selected. Disconnection will be made directly if possible, otherwise the route detail window will open.
- Routes View. (short-cut mouse action left double-click).
- Open the detail window for the route indicator at the current tile.
.. The Signal Route Indicator Connect Contextual menu is available by mouse right click from any route indicator tile in the detail window. Note that this menu can be activated only when connect mode has been selected from the Lever Connect Contextual menu. The Signal Route Indicator Connect options are:
- Connect.
- Connect the current lever to the route indicator selected.
- Disconnect.
- Disconnect the current lever from the route indicator selected.
.. The FPL Connect Contextual menu is available by mouse right click from any FPL tile in the detail window. Note that this menu can be activated only when connect mode has been selected from the Lever Connect Contextual menu. The FPL Connect options are:
- Connect.
- Connect the current lever to the FPL selected.
- Disconnect.
- Disconnect the current lever from the FPL selected.
.. The Route Setting Contextual menu is available by mouse right click from any lever in the Lever Frame. Note that this menu can be activated only when route definition mode has been selected from the Lever Connect Contextual menu. The Route Setting options are:
- Change (short-cut mouse action left shift+click).
- Toggle the state of the lever between normal and reversed (pulled).
- Include Sub.
- Include the route associated with this signal lever as a sub-route of the route currently being defined. Note that an outer distant signal can have only a distant signal as a sub-route; a distant signal can have only a non-subsidiary stop signal as a sub-route; a non-subsidiary stop signal can have only a subsidiary stop signal as a sub-route.
- Exclude Sub.
- Exclude the route associated with this signal lever as a sub-route of the route currently being defined.
- Include Points.
- Include the points operated by this lever at their current setting to act as additional protection of the route being defined.
- Include Points BW.
- Lock the points operated by this lever Both Ways as an additional requirement of the route being defined.
- Exclude Points.
- Exclude the points operated by this lever and previously included using either Include Points or Include Points BW from the route being defined.
- Include FPL Normal.
- Lock this FPL lever in its normal (unlocked) position.
- Exclude FPL Normal.
- Revert to standard operation of this FPL lever.
- Slot.
- Slot the stop signal operated by this lever with the distant signal route being defined.
- Unslot.
- Remove the slotting previously included for this lever.
- Both N & R.
- Allow both the normal and reverse settings of this points lever to be interlocked for the route being defined.
- N or R.
- Revert to standard interlocking for this points lever.
- Free.
- Allow this points lever to remain free for the route being defined.
- Interlock.
- Interlock this points lever for the route being defined. (Only needed if lever had previously been set to "free".)
.. The Points Interlocking Contextual menu is available by mouse right click from any points or FPL lever in the Lever Frame. Note that this menu can be activated only when route definition (points interlocking) mode has been selected from the Lever Connect Contextual menu. The Points Interlocking options are:
- Change (short-cut mouse action left shift+click).
- Toggle the state of the lever between normal and reversed (pulled).
- Include Points.
- Include this points lever at its current state in the points interlocking being defined.
- Exclude Points.
- Exclude this points lever from the points interlocking being defined.
- Include FPL.
- Include this FPL lever in the points interlocking being defined.
- Exclude FPL.
- Exclude this FPL lever from the points interlocking being defined.
.. The Signal Interlocking Contextual menu is available by mouse right click from any signal lever in the Lever Frame. Note that this menu can be activated only when route definition (signal interlocking) mode has been selected from the Lever Connect Contextual menu. The Signal Interlocking options are:
- Include Signal.
- Include this signal lever at normal in the signal interlocking being defined.
- Exclude Signal.
- Exclude this signal lever from the signal interlocking being defined.
.. The Signal Diagram Operate Contextual menu is available by mouse right click from any points lever in the Lever Frame. Note that this menu can be activated only when operate mode exists by having set interlocking. The Signal Diagram Operate options are:
- Detail View. (short-cut mouse action left double-click).
- Open the detail window for the signal or points at the current tile.
.. The Signal Detail Operate Contextual menu is available by mouse right click from any points lever in the Lever Frame. Note that this menu can be activated only when operate mode exists by having set interlocking. The Signal Detail Operate options are:
- Routes View. (short-cut mouse action left double-click).
- Open the detail window for the route indicator at the current tile.
.. The Lever Operate Contextual menu is available by mouse right click from any lever in the Lever Frame. Note that this menu can be activated only when operate mode exists by having set interlocking. The Lever Operate options are:
- Change. (short-cut mouse action left shift+click).
- Toggle the state of the lever between normal and reversed (pulled).
- ShowSignal. (short-cut mouse action left double-click).
- Open the Signal Detail window for the signal controlled by this lever.
.. Drawing straight track. The Signal Diagram must be in edit mode to draw or modify any tiles. A continuous run of straight track can be drawn on the Signal Diagram in edit mode by alt+left+dragging (What does alt+left+drag mean?) (Linux users may need to use ctrl+alt+left+dragging or middle+dragging) the mouse from a start tile to an end tile. The picture shows what is seen during the drag action (above) and the resulting track (below). This is limited to a horizontal line.
.. Drawing other track elements. The Signal Diagram must be in edit mode to draw or modify any tiles. Track elements are derived in two steps:
- Draw a "seed" formation.
- If the seed formation is not the track element required, then transform it into the required track element by reference to the track element tables.
The seed formation is created using the multi-coloured tile marker as a guide. The eight small squares around the edge represent eight possible entry / exit points. Each can be selected by left shift+clicking with the mouse. When all have been selected for the required formation, the centre square is shift+clicked and the seed formation appears. The shift key is held down throughout this procedure which freezes the marker preventing it from moving with the mouse cursor. The picture shows the marker in which four squares have been selected. These are coloured blue. When the magenta centre square is shift+clicked, the seed formation shown in the middle of the picture results.
If a diamond crossing is the track element required, then no more needs to be done. But the diamond crossing can be transformed into a bridge or a single slip or a double slip. This is done by pressing the "H" and "V" keys on the keyboard to produce the necessary transformation. The track element tables show the transformation process starting from the seed formations. The "H" represents horizontal moves through the table while "V" represents vertical moves. The picture shows on the right the result of pressing "V" twice to produce a single slip.
Any track element which can be connected to a lever will display a red number 0 means no lever is connected. When connected to a lever, the display gives the lever number. If more than one lever is involved a * is displayed, meaning that the detail window must be used to see corresponding lever numbers.
You will notice from the track elements tables that signals can be applied only to horizontal track. This is not an important limitation because the requirement of the Signal Diagram is to accurately represent the "logical" order of track and signalling components rather than their strict geography.
You will also notice that the symbol used for post-mounted signals on the Signal Diagram is a simple semaphore on a post. This merely represents the position of a signalling feature. The detail of arms etc., whether semaphore or colour light is specified in the detail window. The Signal Diagram symbol is dynamic, meaning that it changes from danger (normal) to clear (reversed) in response to lever movement. Where there are multiple arms or heads in a signal feature, the Signal Diagram symbol will show clear if any arm / head is clear and danger when all arm / heads are at danger. Of course, the interlocking system will not allow more than one arm on a post to be cleared except in the case of a distant / stop slotted combination.
The above paragraph relates similarly to ground signals.
Pointwork is dynamic. It changes in response to lever
movement. When designing a Signal Diagram, always ensure that the symbol
selected corresponds to the normal position of levers.
Changing lever colours. When first constructed, the Lever Frame contains the requested number of levers and these are all white. The Lever Frame must be in edit mode to modify any levers. To change the colour of a lever, first make it the current lever by pointing at it with the mouse, then use the "H" and "V" keys in a similar manner to that outlined for track elements above to transform the lever to the required colour. The lever colour table shows the transformation process.
Setting signal details. The signal detail window contains a 4 x 4 grid in which signal arms / heads can be set. The Signal Diagram must be in edit mode to change any signal details. To modify any tile, first make it the current tile by pointing at it with the mouse, then use the "H" and "V" keys in a similar manner to that outlined for track elements above to transform the tile to the required element. Note that to place a route indicator, there must be a normal arm or head immediately above it. The signal detail table shows the transformation process.
Other than the above note referring to route indicators, the positioning of signal arms or heads does not affect the way that SigScribe4 processes the information. However it will be helpful to lay them out in a reasonably prototypical way.
Note that the symbols in the detail window are static - they do not change with the operation of levers.
Setting facing point locks. FPLs can be set on all
pointwork but they are initially inactive (off). If you intend to use black/blue combination levers where FPLs would exist, there is no need to specify FPLs in the design. However, if you intend to use separate blue FPL leavers, then you need to set the FPLs which you need to be active. For single points units, use the Contextual menu to toggle the FPL. When active, 0,0 will be displayed on the tile.
.. For complex pointwork the FPL detail window is used to set FPLs as active. The diagram shows all possible facing movements and allows corresponding FPLs to be set "on" or "off" by clicking the appropriate FPL. (n.a. means not applicable.) The display on the Signal Diagram will show 0,* meaning that there is at least one active FPL with detail in the FPL detail window.
Detonator Placers. Detonator Placer levers are non-interlocking. They can be connected to Detonator Placer tiles to provide a visual indication of their action. Optional signal tiles representing co-acting detonator placers are also provided.
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