
An archive of MODRATEC Newsletters and updates.
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Site Admin
Posts: 290
Joined: Thu Jan 15, 2004 9:41 am
Location: Australia


Post by modadmin »

Just a few items of news to let you know what is happening in the MODRATEC

Firstly, apologies to anyone expecting us to be at the Queensland Model
Railway Show at Ipswich this year. With circumstances preventing us from
getting to most of our usual Australian shows this year, and Ipswich being
the only possibility, we thought that we would make it a "Sabbatical" year
and have a complete break for 2013. We'll be back on the show circuit next
year, our first outing being the Brisbane Show on the first weekend in May

We are considering publishing a limited edition "signalling" wall calendar
for 2014, and we are enlisting your help in supplying suitable photos. You
can see details here: http://MODRATEC.com/modforum/viewtopic.php?t=316 We
would like this to be a regular annual production, so if you have suitable
photos, please send them to pics@MODRATEC.com for consideration.

Meanwhile, we are working on a major upgrade to SigScribe4 so that it can
handle more interlocking options and situations, and do it more easily for
the designer.

And, as if there isn't enough to do, I'm sitting for a Institute of Railway
Signal Engineers exam on 4th October. It's a long time since I've done any
exams, so wish me well!
All the best from "modadmin"
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