Spare Levers

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Spare Levers

Post by roger »

Does anyone know, in Australian practice, particularly in Victoria, what colour spare levers were painted? Some signal boxes (towers in USA) were commissioned with spare levers while others had spares as a result of track simplification etc. As far as I know, spare levers as a result of beimg taken out of service were locked and had a ring or some other indicator around the handle so I assume they remained in their original colour but what about new installations?
Any clues?
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Location: Bendigo, Victoria

Spare Levers

Post by mckenzie »

They were painted white. Tony
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Spare levers

Post by roger »

Thanks Tony
I have very fond memories of "Manuka", an HO layout which featured protoype style interlocking and crossing gates. At the time, it looked far too complex to achieve without specialist knowledge. MODRATEC now allows us mere ordinary mortals to achieve something similar.
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Location: Bendigo, Victoria

Post by mckenzie »

Thanks Roger, I built Manuka's interlocking machines, built over 200 of them now, send a few to britain, and I haven't been committed to the loonie bin yet. If anyone can tell a mechanical interlocking bod who is not a computer nerd how to post pictures, I would show a few of my machines. Tony[/img]
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Lever Colors

Post by Statkowski »

Over on this side of the Pacific, a spare lever was generally painted grey. Couldn't leave it in its original color since it no longer was serving its original purpose. Didn't want to have it confused with anything else.