Less than 6 levers?

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Less than 6 levers?

Post by Guest »


It's been a while since I posted anything, but have been keeping an eye on the Lounge. It looks like soon we will have some kits to play with :-)

I cannot remember if I raised this previously, but I'll do it again.

The type of layout I will eventually build will not have complex interlocking at its locations. The majority of interlocking will be performed by local ground frames, typically 2 lever and sometimes up to 5 levers.

My suggestion is that the minimum of 6 levers be reduced to 2. I would like the option of being able to build a number of local lever frames, typically with an FPL lever and point lever only. As has been noted in this forum previously, in ground frames (NSW at least), the FPL works differently than in a signal box situation. In a ground frame, the point is locked when the FPL is in the NORMAL position (ie back in the frame, not 'pulled'). To unlock the point, the FPL must be 'pulled' into the REVERSE position, which then releases the black point lever.

In saying this, I hope this is possible without complicating either SigScribe4 or the manufacture of the kits.

I would love to be able to have a large working interlocking, but as said above, my layout just doesn't have that size of 6 levers or more.

For your consideration. :) :)
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Looking forward to the day .....

Post by signalman »

Apologies to Group,

I didn't realise I wasn't logged in when I made the post.

For info, it was made by ianm.

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Post by RedFred »

Welcome back ianm.

It isn't practical for MODRATEC to make its Lever Frame Kits in other than multiples of 6 at this stage. However, we're sure that a bit of "kit bashing" would enable you to do what you need. Obviously, for something as simple as two interlocked levers, it doesn't take SigScribe4 to work out the design. Again, a bit of creative modification will prove fruitful. We're sure that once the kits are released, the Guest Lounge will run hot with clever little mods to suit unique situations.

Another approach is to combine a number of small frames into one unit - not practical in a real railway, but full of advantages for the modeller.
Happy training,
The MODRATEC Moderator
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Post by signalman »

I can appreciate that. You are right. A two lever frame is a pretty simple interlocking. It will be interesting to see how the kits are made.

Would it be possible to order a "blank" six lever frame and make this into 3 x two lever frames?

Still looking forward to the kits.

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Post by RedFred »

It won't be quite that simple, ianm. But stay patient!
Happy training,
The MODRATEC Moderator
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Post by modadmin »

I've locked this topic now, but feel free to discuss the matter further in the new forum, MODRATEC Lever Frame Kits.
All the best from "modadmin"
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