Let me tell you what should happen, and then you can tell us if it's not happening.
The Price Quotation item on the help menu will only be available when a design is loaded and the interlocking is active. When it is not available it will be seen as "faded" text.
When the Price Quotation item is showing as available and you select it you should be taken to a dialog box headed "Quotation" and showing a message asking if you want to receive your quote over the internet. If you select "Yes" you should see another dialog box confirming that you want to go on-line. If you select "Continue" you should be taken to the quotation web page.
If this is not happening for you, please post a reply to this message giving the following detail:
- Your operating system (e.g. Windows 98 ).
The version of Java (JVM or JRE) installed (e.g. 1.3.1 ).
The build ID of SigScribe4 (you'll find that in "About SigScribe4" unless you have a build earlier than 836 - in that case please give the approximate date of your most recent download).
Does the Price Quotation item on the Help menu become active when you have interlocking active?
Do you get to the first dialog box?
Do you get to the second dialog box?
Do you get to the quotation web page?