The concept is that each Topic in the Words & Phrases forum is itself a word or phrase used in connection with rail operations.
You can create a new topic. In the Subject line, write the word or phrase, and in the Message body write the meaning as you understand it. Include as much information as possible about which part of the world uses the word/phrase in that way, and perhaps the period of history in which it applied. There may also be different usages between the real world and the model world which should be noted.
You can also add replies to words/phrases already defined. You might be able to add another part of the world which uses the word/phrase in the same way. Or you could add a cross reference to show that another word has that meaning in another country or region.
If you add a cross reference, please also add that word/phrase as a new topic if it does not already exist.
I'll occasionally throw a few seeds to keep things going.
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